There are two ways to organize a comparison/contrast paragraph. One way is called block organization, and the other way is called point-by-point organization.
1. Block Organization
In block organization, you group all the similarities together in one block and all the differences together in one block.
2. Point-by-point Organization
In point-by-point organization, you write about similarities and differences by subtopic.
If you have a lot to say about each subtopic, you may need to write a separate paragraph for each one. The pattern of organization you choose depends on your topic. Also, whether you discuss more similarities or more differences (or both) depends on your topic. (Caution: limit your paragraph to one subtopic; otherwise, your paragraph will not have unity.)
A topic sentence for a comparison/contrast paragraph should name the topic and also indicate comparison/contrast organization.
- E.g.) The left and right sides of your brain process information in different ways.
- E.g.) When buying wireless telephone service, you should compare different plans on four points.
A concluding sentence for a comparison/contrast paragraph may repeat the main idea.
- E.g.) The hiring decision is difficult because both applicants are so similar.
A concluding sentence may also make a recommendation.
- E.g.) However, JX would be the better choice for the receptionist job because of her experience with patient contact and preference for working with other staff.
- E.g.) In my opinion, the TeleVox telephone is the best choice for our company.
Use comparison and contrast signals to show similarities and differences.
- For comparison: similarly, likewise, also, too, as, just as, equal, the same, similar to, equal to, (just) like, the same as, equally, both…and, not only…but also.
- For contrast: in contrast, on the other hand, however, but, yet, while, whereas, although, even though, though, different(ly) from, unlike, differ (from) (in).
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