Friday, February 5, 2010

Helpful tips for introductions

Hi class,

Everybody wants to give a good first impression when they meet a new person. The same holds true for written introductions. Whatever topics you write about, whatever genres you deal with, make sure that introductions will be giving a first impression to your readers. To be a good writer, therefore, you could use several tips to make intros attractive and intriguing. Here are some tips that I mentioned in class. Hope it helps. Feel free to apply these tips to your papers!

  1. Ask a provocative or disturbing question
  2. Begin with a story or anecdote
  3. Offer a quotation
  4. Cite a little-known or shocking fact or statistic
  5. Move from general to specific
  6. State a commonly held misconception or a position that you oppose
  7. Describe a hypothetical situation
  8. Begin with an intriguing statement
  9. Begin with a striking example
  10. Make a comparison 

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