Hi class,
For today, we will talk about how to wrap up a paper in an effective way. Compared to introductions and body paragraphs, it is bit of simple to write a conclusion as long as you keep some guidelines. In class, we'll look at several tips for a concluding paragraph as follows:
- Restate your thesis statement (normally in the first sentence),
- Summarize your topic/central ideas and why they are important,
- Provide a sense of closure or “wrapping up.” (e.g. by using transitional expressions)
- Call for action or overview future research possibilities.
- Briefly state a forecast or warning based on facts developed in the paper.
You do not always have to provide possibilities or forecasts in your paper, and it depends on genres you deal with. However, if you just follow the tips for 1, 2, and 3, it would be a good start to practice writing a conclusion.
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