Saturday, February 6, 2010

Journal topics

Hi all,

Hope you're enjoying this sunny Saturday morning (a bit of cold though). We have two upcoming assignments: a journal and an essay. It would be smarter if you're done with the journal first not to get stuck in the hectic schedule.

For the journal topics, feel free to refer to the previous post on the blog including several essay questions. Another possibility is that you could write about favorite books, movies, or trips, and you would be able to refer to news articles or famous quotes for your journals. I've included some gadgets on the course website regarding news and quotes, so feel free to use them as journal topics. It is also recommended to visit your classmates' blogs to explore their topics and ideas as well. (I've put the blog links on the left of the course website, so just click on them! :-D ) Make sure that reading lots of writing is always good for you to improve your critical thinking and to broaden your ideas.

Finally, I hold office hours on Wednesdays and Fridays, so drop by my office to ask any questions about this course and your homework. I'm willing to help you with pleasure.



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3 comments: on "Journal topics"

Joy said...
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Miguel said...

so the spanish template didn't work, lol, shame on me!! hahahah

Joy said...

Miguel, I've figured out what to do thanks to your reply! I think I need to learn some HTML languages to fix this blog using the free template at the same time.

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